Do you want to avoid paying rent for an office?
Do you prefer working from home or are you always away on business?
Nevertheless, it is the law that you must have a registered company office.
Would you like to have your company registered office include full services and an address in Prague city centre?
We will establish your company according to your needs.
We will take care of all the important issues.
Company registered
office in Prague from
200 CZK/month
Rychlá půjčka na principu P2P
Půjčte si až 10.000 Kč na 25 dní
Individuální posouzení každé žádosti
Výhodná půjčka pro podnikatele, OSVČ, živnostníky
Půjčíme Vám až 30.000 Kč na 12 měsíců
Individuální posouzení každé žádosti
Virtual office is a modern and economical way of operating a conventional office, without the need for your physical presence at the given address. Virtual office is a great alternative for all entrepreneurs who want to save costs associated with establishing and running their own offices, but desire quality and efficient administrative services.
Whether you are an insurance agent, financial advisor, Internet entrepreneur, programmer, architect and interpreter or if you run a construction company working all the time in another location short, if you work mostly at home or away and therefore you do not want to open an office, the virtual office is just the solution you have been looking for!
With a virtual office, you can acquire representative premises at a prestigious Prague address where you can register your company office. A registered office at such an exciting and prestigious address in Prague, improves your image and credibility with potential business partners while reducing the probability and frequency of inspection by authorities, as the Prague authorities are obviously quite busy. A registered company office in Prague, i.e. away from your permanent residency also brings many benefits for your business.
It is of course, not just about a prestigious address and a registered office in Prague. In addition to the virtual office service, we offer additional services such as recording and management of mail and telephone calls. It all depends on you, if you wish to scan incoming mail and have it sent to you by e-mail or collect it in person, if you want us to handle your incoming telephone calls and inform you of their content, or if you choose to arrange for call forwarding to your telephone number. So if you do not need a secretary or an assistant, just an assistant service, then the virtual office is an ideal solution for you.